Resus Ready First Aid Training

Resus Ready First Aid Training offers quality, reliable and skilled CPR and First Aid Training. We offer flexible training times and onsite training meaning WE COME TO YOU!

Our training is conducted by our senior instructor Karena Hull who is a current Intensive Care Nurse of 18 years at a major metropolitan hospital in Melbourne. Specialising in cardiothoracics (everything to do with the heart) she provides a wealth of knowledge during the training session, she has performed CPR countless times in her career, leading cardiac arrests and training both medical and nursing staff in critically ill transport as a Clinical Nurse Consultant.

At Resus Ready we believe in engaging training and providing essential skills and knowledge in an easy to understand way that ensures your team will leave our session feeling confident that they would know what to do in an emergency.

On successful completion of the online and face to face assessments, participants will gain a Nationally Recognised Certificate valid anywhere in Australia. All training is delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO #90909.

A VIP client portal is also allocated to all businesses via Training Desk. This allows the manager to view and print all staff certicates obtained from Resus Ready as many times as you like. Reminders are also sent out when training is due for your team and renewing certificates could not be easier with your teams details stored in training desk.

Contact us now to see how Resus Ready First Aid Training can make your team Resus Ready!

Where we are

Croydon North
Victoria 3136

How to reach Resus Ready First Aid Training

0405 770 723

Nationally Recognised Courses we offer

HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems More details
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation More details
HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid More details
HLTHPS006 - Assist clients with medication More details

Locations we provide training in

Resus Ready offers onsite training to metropolitan Melbourne as well as regional Victoria. Minimum training numbers apply.

Public courses available every Friday from Waterman in Eastland Shopping Centre in Ringwood. Bookings essential.

This course is delivered and assessed on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909